Evernote vs Notion l Interface, Collaboration, Devices, Import & Export

Templates For Notion
9 min readJan 2, 2024


When it comes to note-taking apps, two popular options are Notion and Evernote. Both apps offer unique features and benefits that cater to different user needs. In this article, we will compare Notion and Evernote in terms of user interface, note organization, collaboration features, cross-platform availability, data import and export, and price and subscription plans. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of which note-taking app is right for you.

Key Takeaways

  • Notion’s modern and versatile interface provides a visually appealing and customizable note-taking experience.
  • Evernote’s familiar and simple interface offers a straightforward and easy-to-use note-taking environment.
  • Notion’s flexible and hierarchical organization system allows users to structure their notes in a way that suits their workflow.
  • Evernote’s tag-based organization system enables users to easily categorize and search for their notes.
  • Notion’s powerful collaboration tools make it a better choice for teams or individuals working on group projects.

User Interface

Source: Notion’s website

Notion’s Modern and Versatile Interface

Notion’s user interface is designed to be modern and versatile, providing a visually appealing and intuitive experience for users. The interface is clean and minimalistic, with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. It offers a wide range of customization options, allowing users to personalize their workspace to suit their needs.

One of the key features of Notion’s interface is its block-based structure. Users can create different types of content blocks, such as text, images, tables, and more, and arrange them in a hierarchical manner. This allows for easy organization and navigation within the app.

To further enhance the user experience, Notion provides a dark mode option, which is especially useful for working in low-light environments. The interface also supports keyboard shortcuts, making it efficient for power users.

In terms of collaboration, Notion allows users to share and collaborate on documents in real-time, making it a great tool for team projects and remote work. Users can leave comments, assign tasks, and track changes, ensuring seamless collaboration and communication.

Evernote’s Familiar and Simple Interface

Evernote’s interface is designed to be familiar and simple, providing users with an intuitive experience. The layout is clean and straightforward, making it easy to navigate and access notes. Users can quickly create new notes, organize them into notebooks, and search for specific content. The interface prioritizes ease of use and accessibility, making it a popular choice for users who prefer a straightforward approach to note-taking.

To summarize:

Notion offers a flexible and hierarchical organization system that allows users to structure their notes into nested pages and subpages, facilitating clear and logical organization. In contrast, Evernote utilizes a tag-based system, allowing users to categorize and label their notes for easy retrieval and providing a customizable and personalized approach to organization.

Collaboration Features

Source: Notion’s website

Notion’s Powerful Collaboration Tools

Notion offers a range of powerful collaboration tools that make it easy to work together with your teammates. One of the key features is the ability to communicate live and asynchronously through comments, mentions, and tagging in databases. This allows for efficient and effective collaboration, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and can easily stay updated on project progress. Additionally, Notion provides real-time collaboration, allowing multiple users to work on a document simultaneously. This is especially useful for team projects or brainstorming sessions where multiple perspectives and contributions are needed.

To further enhance collaboration, Notion also offers the ability to assign tasks and deadlines to team members. This helps to keep everyone accountable and ensures that tasks are completed on time. Furthermore, Notion allows for easy file sharing, making it simple to collaborate on documents, presentations, and other files. With these collaboration tools, Notion provides a seamless and efficient workflow for teams to work together and achieve their goals.

Evernote’s Limited Collaboration Options

While Evernote is a popular note-taking app known for its simple and familiar interface, it does have some limitations when it comes to collaboration. Unlike Notion, which offers powerful collaboration tools, Evernote’s collaboration options are more limited.

One of the main limitations of Evernote is the lack of real-time collaboration. Unlike Notion, where multiple users can work on the same document simultaneously, Evernote only allows for sharing and viewing of notes. This can be a drawback for teams or individuals who require real-time collaboration.

Another limitation of Evernote is the absence of task management features. Notion, on the other hand, provides a comprehensive task management system that allows users to create to-do lists, set reminders, and track progress. This can be particularly useful for teams working on projects or individuals who need to stay organized.

In summary, while Evernote is a reliable and user-friendly note-taking app, its limited collaboration options may not be suitable for those who require extensive collaboration and task management capabilities.

To summarize:

Notion offers a wide range of powerful collaboration tools, including real-time collaboration, task assignment, and comments. On the other hand, Evernote has limited collaboration options, lacking real-time collaboration and task management features.

Cross-platform Availability

Source: Evernote’s website

Notion’s Seamless Cross-platform Experience

Notion provides a seamless cross-platform experience, allowing users to access their notes and documents from any device with an internet connection. Whether you’re using a desktop computer, a laptop, a tablet, or a smartphone, you can easily sync and access your Notion workspace. This flexibility makes it convenient for users who work on multiple devices or need to access their notes on the go.

To further enhance the cross-platform experience, Notion offers dedicated apps for Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. These apps provide a native and optimized experience, ensuring smooth performance and easy navigation. With the mobile apps, you can capture ideas, take quick notes, and collaborate with others on the move.

Evernote’s Wide Range of Supported Platforms

Evernote is a versatile note-taking app that is available on multiple platforms, including Android, iOS, macOS, and Microsoft Windows. It offers both free and paid plans for users to choose from. With its wide range of supported platforms, Evernote allows users to access their notes and collaborate with others seamlessly across different devices. Whether you prefer to use your smartphone, tablet, or computer, Evernote has you covered.

To summarize:

Notion and Evernote are compatible with all devices. In addition to web apps, they also offer apps for Mac, Windows, and smartphones.

Data Import and Export

Source: Notion’s website

Notion’s Import and Export Capabilities

Notion provides users with the ability to import and export data, making it easy to transfer information from other note-taking apps. To import data into Notion, users can go to the Import section in the left-hand sidebar and choose the desired file format, such as HTML, Text & Markdown & CSV. Users can also import data from other apps such as Confluence, Google Docs, Word, Dropbox Paper, Trello, Evernote, Quip, Workflowy. This allows for a seamless transition of content into Notion.

In terms of export capabilities, Notion also offers the option to export data in various formats. Users can export their notes and documents as HTML, Markdown, or PDF files. This flexibility ensures that users can easily share their content with others or migrate it to other platforms if needed.

Tip: Before making a decision, consider the importance of being able to import your existing notes and the flexibility of exporting your notes to other platforms. Platform-risk is something to be aware of, and you should be careful of fully locked, non-compatible systems.

Evernote’s Import and Export Options

Evernote offers a range of import and export options to ensure seamless integration with other tools and easy backup of your notes.

To import notes from other platforms to Evernote, open Evernote, go to the File menu, select Import, choose the desired file format, locate the file, and click Open. Evernote will import the file and add the notes to your account.

When exporting notes from Evernote, you have options to export as HTML or Evernote Export Format (ENEX) to preserve formatting and attachments. Additional export options include Microsoft Word, PDF, and plain text files. However, advanced features or formatting may not be fully preserved in some cases, so it’s important to review exported notes for integrity.

To summarize:

Notion provides users with the ability to import and export data, allowing for seamless transfer of information from other note-taking apps. Users can import files in various formats and export their notes and documents as HTML, Markdown, or PDF files.Evernote also offers import and export options, but has fewer options than Notion and favors their own ENEX format.

Price and Subscription Plans

Source: Notion’s website

Notion’s Affordable Pricing and Flexible Plans

Notion offers affordable pricing and flexible plans that cater to different user needs. The pricing for the enterprise plan is $20 per user on an annual agreement, which allows users to save $5 per month or $60 per year compared to the monthly plan. This makes it a cost-effective option for businesses and teams. Additionally, Notion also offers a free plan with (a few) limited features but unlimited blocks, making it accessible to individual users who are looking for a budget-friendly note-taking app.


It is important to consider your specific needs and budget when choosing a note-taking app, and Notion’s affordable pricing and flexible plans make it a compelling option for many users.

Evernote’s Expensive Subscription Options

Evernote offers a range of subscription options, but some users may find them to be on the expensive side. The pricing plans include the Basic, Plus, and Premium tiers, with the latter two requiring a monthly or annual fee. However, it’s important to note that Evernote’s free Basic plan still provides a decent set of features for casual users.

For those who require more advanced features and additional storage, the Personal and Professional plans offer benefits such as offline access, increased upload limits, and the ability to annotate PDFs.


To summarize:

Notion offers affordable and flexible pricing plans, including a free plan with unlimited blocks for individual users. On the other hand, Evernote’s subscription options can be considered expensive, with the Basic plan being free but limited in the number of notes you can take.


In conclusion, both Notion and Evernote are powerful note-taking apps with their own unique features and strengths. However, the choice between the two ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. If you value a highly customizable and versatile platform, then Notion may be the right choice for you. On the other hand, if you prioritize simplicity and a seamless user experience, Evernote might be the better option.

Ultimately, it is important to consider factors such as the type of content you plan to store, the level of organization you require, and the integration with other tools and platforms. Therefore, it is recommended to try out both apps and see which one aligns better with your workflow and enhances your productivity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I import my notes from Evernote to Notion?

Yes, Notion provides import capabilities that allow you to easily transfer your notes from Evernote to Notion.

Can I collaborate with others on my notes in Evernote?

While Evernote does offer some collaboration features, they are more limited compared to Notion’s powerful collaboration tools.

Is Notion available on mobile devices?

Yes, Notion is available on both iOS and Android devices, providing a seamless cross-platform experience.

Does Evernote support hierarchical organization of notes?

No, Evernote primarily uses a tag-based organization system rather than a hierarchical structure like Notion.

What are the pricing options for Notion?

Notion offers affordable pricing plans with flexible options, including a free plan for personal use.

Can I export my notes from Notion to other formats?

Yes, Notion allows you to export your notes in various formats such as PDF, Markdown, and HTML.

Originally published at https://www.ramesquinerie.com.

